The Glass Hotel Literary Elements

The Glass Hotel Literary Elements


Psychological Fiction

Setting and Context

Canada, Vancouver Island, Mid 1900s and the late 2010s

Narrator and Point of View

Narrator- Third Person
POV- Omniscient

Tone and Mood

Suspicious, Mysterious, Gloomy, Reflecting.

Protagonist and Antagonist

Vincent is the protagonist and Jonathan is the antagonist.

Major Conflict

Paul's heroin addiction affected his career, so he came to her step sister Vincent's place. Both started working at a luxury hotel. Paul got fired after occurring the suspicious incident of graffiti in the hotel. Vincent got married to the owner of the hotel, Jonathan.


Vincent became rich after marrying Jonathan, but they were not legally married. One day Jonathan got arrested because of his fraudulent scam. Vincent again returned to her normal life and started working on a cruise ship as a cook.


Jonathan's confession to her daughter and wife foreshadowed his arrest.


Jonathan was a con financier. He ran a scheme in which he used to collect the life savings of retired peoples. He understated the authority and never thought about getting caught.


Vincent alluded her life with Jonathan was like entering the kingdom of money.


The main imagery in this story is when the graffiti occurred on the window of the hotel. The graffiti had a message, ' Why don't you swallow broken glass' terrified Vincent.


Vincent chose Jonathan because she wanted a life of luxury even though she was suspicious about the fraudulent scheme of his husband. Vincent's life became miserable after Jonathan went to jail.


Jonathan's victims and Vincent's life was parallel. Everyone related to Jonathan experienced the trauma because of his wrong deeds.

Metonymy and Synecdoche




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