The Glass Hotel Characters

The Glass Hotel Character List


Paul is a lonely student who tries to make friends at a nightclub by giving out some tablets to people he meets there. When, however, one person dies as a result of the tablets that he gave out, he is forced to flee. He also gets fired as a result of the graffiti that gets discovered five years later while working at a hotel with his half-sister, Vincent. He also later becomes addicted to heroin.


Vincent is Paul's half-sister whom he stays with after fleeing from Toronto as a result of a death that he is responsible for at a nightclub. She is also employed at the hotel where Paul gets fired as a result of the graffiti. She gets involved romantically with Alkaitis, the hotel owner.

Jonathan Alkaitis

Johnathan Alkaitis is a wealthy investor and also the owner of the hotel in which both Vincent and Paul were working, on the northernmost tip of Vancouver. He is also the person to whom the graffiti that gets Paul fired was intended for. He is also in a relationship with Vincent, Paul's half sister.

Leon Prevant

Prevant is the character that gets sent to investigate the disappearance of Vincent during her time working as a cook on a freight ship. Also, Prevant was among the people who lost their life savings to the scheme directed by Alkaitis.

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