Physics (10th Edition)

Published by Wiley
ISBN 10: 1118486897
ISBN 13: 978-1-11848-689-4

Chapter 11 - Fluids - Problems - Page 310: 32


(a) $1057330.4\space N$ (b) $237687.9\space lb$

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Please see the attached image first. (a) Let's take the x, and y in vertical & horizontal directions respectively. The y component of the force acting on the roof $F_{y}= 2Fsin60^{\circ}-(1)$ We know that $F=PA-(2)$ (2)=>(1), $F_{y}= 2PAsin60^{\circ}-(1)$ ; Let's plug known values into this equation. $F_{y}= 2\times1\times10^{4}Pa\times(14.5\space m)(4.21\space m)\times\frac{\sqrt {3}}{2}=1057330.4\space N$ The x component of the force acting on the roof $F_{x}= Fcos60^{\circ}-Fcos60^{\circ}=0$ Therefore, the net force on the roof = $1057330.4\space N$ Vertically upward (b) Let's multiply the above value by $(\frac{0.2248\space lb}{1\space N})$ to convert the units into lb. $Net\space force=1057330.4\space N\times(\frac{0.2248\space lb}{1\space N})=237687.9\space lb$
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