Physics (10th Edition)

Published by Wiley
ISBN 10: 1118486897
ISBN 13: 978-1-11848-689-4

Chapter 11 - Fluids - Problems - Page 308: 5


Ans $\text{Radius = 0.070338 m}$

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$\text{Tension = 120 N}$ Also $$\text{Tension} = M\times g$$ But $$M = \rho\times\ Volume$$ Here $\rho = 8400 \frac{kg}{m^{3}}$ $\text{Volume} = \frac{4}{3}\pi R^{3}$ $$\therefore\text{Tension} = \rho\times \frac{4}{3}\pi R^{3}\times g$$ $$\frac{\text{Tension} \times 3}{4\times\pi\rho \times g} = R^{3}$$ $$R =(\frac{\text{Tension} \times 3}{4\times\pi\rho \times g})^{\frac{\textbf 1}{\textbf 3}} $$ $\therefore\text{R = 0.070338 m}$
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