Heat transfer = $7.251 \times 10^6 kJ$
Work Step by Step
40.08* 1 + 12.01* 2 = 64.10g/mol
1000 kg = $1000 * 10^3 g$ = $1.000 \times 10^6g$
1. Calculate the amount in moles:
$1.000\times 10^{6}g \times \frac{1 mol (CaC_2)}{ 64.10} = 1.560\times 10^{4} mol$
2. Divide the amount by the coefficient of $CaC_2$:
$\frac{1.560\times 10^{4}}{ 1} = 1.560\times 10^{4} mol - reaction$
3. Find the necessary heat:
$1.560\times 10^{4}mol-reaction \times 464.8 kJ/mol-reaction = 7.251\times 10^{6}kJ$