Rhodopsin is the visual pigment (visual purple ) of rod light receptor cells. Rhodopsn is synthesized and accumulates in the dark
Rhodopsin is a compound of the 11-cs retinal form of retinal and the protein opsin. When light strikes
rhodopsin the 11-cis-retinal is converted to the all-trans for. All-trans retinal activates transducin which activates phosphodiesterase . PDE converts cGMP to GMP and the decrease in cGMP closes the cation channels The result is hyperpolarization of the light receptor cell..
Work Step by Step
11-csretnalopsin plus light goes to all-trans retinal rhodopsin. opsin activate trandsducin which activates phosphodiesterase(PDE) Pde cleaves cGMP. The cation channels close, the photoreceptor is hyperpolarized -40mV to -70mV and a signal is generated.