Thinking Mathematically (6th Edition)

Published by Pearson
ISBN 10: 0321867327
ISBN 13: 978-0-32186-732-2

Chapter 7 - Algebra: Graphs, Functions, and Linear Systems - 7.5 Linear Programming - Exercise Set 7.5 - Page 462: 22


To solve a linear programming problem first draw a graph for the objective function, then find out corner points and its values for the function from the graph. Next get the maximum and minimum values of the function to have the solution of the problem.

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Now get the maximum and minimum values of an objective function which is found to be 70 and 17 here for this example. Values obtained from corners of graph and maximum and minimum value obtained from it gives the solution of linear programming problem. Thus to solve a linear programming problem first draw a graph for the objective function, then find out corner points and its values for the function from the graph. Next, find out the maximum and minimum values of the function to get the solution of the problem.
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