Domain: $\mathbb{R}$.
Range: $(0,\infty)$

Work Step by Step
$f(x)=a^{x}$ , an exponential function $a\gt 0, a\neq 1$
The domain is $\mathbb{R}. y\gt 0$ (Outputs are positive.)
The base is $e\approx 2.718 \gt 1$ so the graph rises on the whole domain.
Asymptote is the x-axis.
To the far left, the graph nears but does not cross the asymptote.
The graph passes through the points
$(-1,\ \displaystyle \frac{1}{e}), (0,1), (1,e), (2,e^{2})$, and so on.
Plot these points and join with a smooth curve.
Domain: $\mathbb{R}$.
Range: $(0,\infty)$