Beauty's Gift is a compelling story written by Sindiwe Magona. It was published during 2011 by NB Publishing. This novel tells the story of four women who cope with the lost of their best friend. This journey starts with five best friends known as...

Gone Girl was released on June 5, 2012, and was Flynn's third novel. Gone Girl was the #1 New York Times Bestseller for eight straight weeks and spent more than one hundred weeks on the bestseller list all together. By the end of 2012, Gone Girl...

The Last Battle (1956) is the seventh and final novel in the high-fantasy classic Chronicles of Narnia series by author C.S. Lewis. Illustrated by Pauline Baynes, The Last Battle is set almost entirely in Narnia and from the middle of the novel...

Relesed in 1954, The Horse and His Boy is the fifth novel of seven published in the The Chronicles of Narnia. Written before the first book was even out and for the first and only time featuring native Narnian children, The Horse and His Boy tells...

The Silver Chair is the sixth novel in the Chronicles of Narnia series, penned in the early 1950s by acclaimed British author and literary scholar C.S. Lewis. Despite the fact that these chronicles are some of the most popular and enduring stories...

After conjuring a unique fantasy world in 1950's The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe C.S. Lewis released Prince Caspian, 1951's followup to the first book in the Chronicles of Narnia series.

Prince Caspian directly continues the story started...

The Girl on the Train is Paula Hawkins's fifth novel, but her first popular success. Unlike her previous four works, romantic comedies written under a pen name, The Girl on the Train takes on the darker themes of domestic violence and drug abuse....

Stanley Kubrick is a master of both satire and science fiction, but also achieved renown with the 1960 historical epic Spartacus. The film has positive reviews and grossed $60 million (the most of any Universal Studios film until Airport grossed...

Lucky is a memoir by prominent novelist Alice Sebold, who also wrote The Lovely Bones. The book chronicles her experience as a rape survivor and the tumultuous months that followed where she had to defend herself against her father, her peers, and...

The title of Jesmyn Ward’s wistful memoir about growing up in Mississippi and the men who shaped and defined that live derives from come from one of the quotes attributed to Harriet Tubman. Tubman was talking about the pain of losing the men so...

The Orkneyinga Saga is the history of the Earls of Orkney which was written anonymously by an Icelandic author. It was originally published in the 1200s but has since been translated by Hermann Pálsson and Paul Edwards. Joseph Anderson served as...

Henry James began writing The American while living in Paris in the winter of 1875-1876. The novel first appeared in The Atlantic Monthly in twelve serialized, monthly installments from June 1876 to May 1877. In May 1877, as the serialization...

Malala Yousafzai is a Pakistani, born on July 12, 1997. She always liked education, which wasn't something the Taliban liked at her time. The Taliban forbade girls from education, but Malala advocated for girls' education rights. This led to the...