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Romance of the Three Kingdoms Irony

Romance of the Three Kingdoms Irony

Cao Cao

Liu Bei captures Cao Cao after the two fight each other for some time. Cao Cao poses an existential threat to Liu Bei's power and control of his kingdom. Despite the threat Cao Cao poses him, Liu Bei ironically lets him go free, allowing him to rally his forces even more.

Guan Yu's death

Guan Yu is portrayed as an incredibly intelligent man who can understand the conditions around him, allowing him to make informed decisions on the battlefield and outside of it. However, he ironically falls prey to his pride and arrogance and is captured and killed by Sun Quan's forces.

The Peach Garden oath

In their peach garden, Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei all swear that they will die on the same day, no matter what. Despite this oath, they unexpectedly die in different ways, on different dates, and in different circumstances.

The Han dynasty

The Han dynasty brought about a long period of stability and prosperity for China, which previously had been ravaged by war and instability. Despite the stability it brought, the Han dynasty was unexpectedly disbanded because of power-hungry warlords who wanted to control China.

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