Republic of Lies Themes

Republic of Lies Themes


The author outlines how conspiracy theorists use lies to hoodwink members of the public and advance own selfish gains. The theories spread by theorists are a pack of lies aimed at winning netizens and ignoring the truth. Conspiracy theorist spread lies for social, political, and economic benefit. The theme of lies is evident in the book because the majority of conspiracy theories use lies to win the trust of the targeted audience.


The majority of conspiracy theorists are depicted as having unjustified jealousy and having delusions of persecution. The unwarranted mistrust and suspicion of other people embolden theorists to spread false information against their competitors. Most of the conspiracy theorist have embellished self-worth and tend to seek sympathy from other people. Therefore, they falsely portray themselves as being persecuted by their rivals to gain people’s sympathy.


Conspiracy-peddlers and policymakers are not honest with the members of the public. Indeed, these people fan flames of suspicion to serve their interests. For instance, anti-vaxxers are opposed to vaccines even though vaccines can prevent the spread of highly infectious diseases. Such people are dishonest by alleging that vaccines can cause autism. Moreover, climate deniers are dishonest by alleging that global warming is a researchers’ hoax. The evidence of global warming betrays the honesty of climate change skeptics.

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