Republic of Lies Summary

Republic of Lies Summary

A conspiracy is, when understood hospitably, an imaginative form of poetry that inspires the masses. It encapsulates the fine details of the civilization it originates from. All the way back, before the founding of America, Americans have always viewed themselves as superior to all things. As a superior species, they’ve always sought to destroy people or ideas that stood in the way of their superiority and infinite dominance.

During the colonial period, enemies of Americans were the Native Americans, British monarchs, French, and witches. Then in the 19th century, came Catholics and the 20th century, socialists and Jews. Now, in the present 21st century, their greatest enemy is supposedly the elitist ideals and the unprecedented wide reach of the government.

The election of Donald Trump as President has only made this threat of conspiracy a reality. Trump is a conspiracy fanatic and during his term as President, this has been one of his formidable tools of governance. He has used this tool to connect to his core supporters who like to project their failures on immigration laws, racial activism, pharmaceutical industries, radicalized atheists, and the Chinese government.

Trump has the support of many Americans because he constantly points fingers at everybody but America. In his opinion and that of his supporters, America is great and everyone else is trying to destroy that greatness.

Conspiracy theories in America are not a hidden secret. They exist alongside verified information that is plastered all over mainstream media. This is intentional and millions of dollars are implemented to ensure that the line between what is true or false remains blurred or non-existent. In today’s America, conspiracy theories are considered legitimate. They are respected and honored all across the board by cultural figures, political leaders, and academic professors.

A lot of Individuals who use lies and out-of-context truths have come to wield power like never before. As the idea of censorship becomes more and more global, the more lies become facts. The United States, the world’s most powerful democracy has often played the victim when in reality, they have always been the oppressors. It has gotten to a point where they’ve become the victim of their own curated system of lies and deceit.

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