Day 2

Night Sky with Exit Wounds Lesson Plan

Classroom Activities

  1. 1

    The Vietnam War and Its Aftermath

    Kind of Activity:



    Students will be able to contextualize the history that shapes much of Vuong's poetry

    Common Core Standards:

    CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.11-12.7, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.11-12.8, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.11-12.2


    In the previous day's activities, students researched the context of Vuong's life; in so doing, they encountered some information on the Vietnam War, and last night they watched an excerpt from Ken Burns' documentary on the subject for homework. Begin by assembling the jigsaw: ask each student to share information about the section of the documentary they watched, allowing the class as a whole to...

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