Mother! (2017 Film) Themes

Mother! (2017 Film) Themes


It is the need for her husband’s love that drives Mother herself. Moreover, the need for Man to seek out Him before he dies plays a central role in the film. People flock to the home because of their need to be with Him, the poet. It is this need for greater, for God that drives people in this film. And it is human beings misunderstanding of what they need and how to get it that has mitigated the earth upon which they live their lives.

Creation Story

The film is an allegory for God’s creation of the earth and with it the Garden of Eden, man and woman, and then the unfolding of the story of man upon the earth. We see Man’s son kill the other son, just as Cain killed Abel. And we see the history of man’s time on earth and the destruction left in our wake by war and corrupted behavior.


We see in the film that Him invites many people into his and his wife’s home without asking her. Mother is a symbol for the earth, and her home is a metaphor for all that is created in the earth. Thus, the way people treat the Home directly relates to how they steward the planet, clearly not caring for it in a way that allows it to grow and be nourished.

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