Mother! (2017 Film) Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What does Him’s study represent?

    Him is a poet and he has a room dedicated to his work. In the room he keeps a special crystal that he doesn’t allow anyone to touch. His study is a symbol for the Garden of Eden. We watch as the doctor and his wife break the crystal and once they do, the poet boards off the room. This is a metaphor for Adam and Eve eating the apple in the Garden and God taking away access to Eden from humanity.

  2. 2

    What is the significance of Man’s older son killing his brother?

    Man represents Adam, and the Eldest son Cain, while the Younger Brother, Abel. Thus his murder represents the story of Cain killing his brother Abel, the first murder upon the earth. What is significant about this death is that the blood from You her Brother remains in the home which is a symbol of murder and death remaining upon the earth and its continued effect throughout history.

  3. 3

    Why does Mother cause her own home to explode?

    Mother has witnessed strangers come into her home, tear it apart, disrespect her, beat her, and kill and eat her infant son. She has taken enough, and decides that no one will live after this, including herself. This is why she destroys her own home.

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