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Labyrinth (1986 Film) Characters

Labyrinth (1986 Film) Character List


Sarah is the main protagonist in the movie. In the beginning, she is bitter at having to care for her brother, Toby, and wishes for goblins to take him away. However, she realizes the error of her actions and sets about saving him from the Goblin king. Throughout her journey she develops into a young courageous woman, who is unafraid to battle with Jareth to save her brother.


Jareth is the Goblin King, and the main antagonist of the movie. He steals Toby from Sarah and instead offers to make all her dreams come true. However, when she refuses, he gives her thirteen hours to locate her brother before he changes him into a goblin. He is shown to be sly and malicious, throwing traps on her quest and tricking her into a trance. Yet, there may be a part of him that cares for her as he offers her a chance to save her brother and he does confess his love for her when she falls into a trance.


Initially, Hoggle is shown to be Sarah’s friend who helps her on her quest in the labyrinth. However, it is later revealed he was sent by Jareth to throw Sarah off track and to poison her into a trance. However, Hoggle comes to regret his actions and comes to Sarah’s aid in the battle at Goblin Kingdom.

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