If I Was Your Girl Literary Elements

If I Was Your Girl Literary Elements


Young adult novel

Setting and Context

Set in 2016

Narrator and Point of View

Third-person narrative

Tone and Mood

Informative and reflective

Protagonist and Antagonist

The protagonist is 18-year-old Amanda Hardy.

Major Conflict

The major conflict is when Amanda realizes that she is transgender at eight.


The climax comes when Amanda decides to tell Bee about her sexual identity in her new school. Bee is also transgender, and Amanda feels comfortable discussing her sexuality.


Grant's unconditional love for her foreshadows Amanda's self-acknowledgement.


Amanda understated Bee's ability to betray her when she openly told her that she was transgender. One day, Bee announces to the entire school that Bee is transgender.


The story alludes to the challenges mixed-gender people go through in life.


The scenes at the bathroom where Bee confronts Amanda depict sight imagery.


The main paradox is that Amanda is happily welcomed by her friend when she decides to go back and finish her final year in Lambertville despite knowing that she is transgender.



Metonymy and Synecdoche

LGBTQ is used as a metonymy for transgender.


Mixed-gender interaction is incarnated as brutal.

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