Day 5

Heroes and Saints Lesson Plan

Reading Assignment, Questions, Vocabulary

Read Act II, Scenes Six-Eleven.

Content Summary for Teachers

Act II, Scene Six

Evalina’s body lies in her coffin surrounded by candles and flowers. While Cerezita is sleeping, Dolores takes one of the candles, places it on Cerezita’s raite, and kneels down to pray to her virgin. She asks Cerezita to show her how to alleviate the pain that persecutes them in this valley of tears. Cerezita wakes up to Dolores praying to her and tells Dolores to rest while she watches over Evalina’s body.

Cerezita talks to Evalina in her coffin, saying that before the adults come to bury her, the children are going to put her body up on a cross. Yet by then, Evalina will no longer be a part of her body, and...

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