Getting to Maybe: How to Excel in Law School Exams is study-aid book aimed at teaching individuals the best methods to revise for their exams.
In the book, Fischl and Paul try to guide law students in study tips and do’s and don’ts of how to get the most out of their revision. They do this by highlighting the important of analysis over simple regurgitation of facts. Fischl and Paul show student’s how they would answer questions by giving specific law-related questions and breaking down their approach in answering them.
The main approach they encourage to take is as follows:
1. Identify the issues within the legal scenario
2. Find which law bets applies to the case
3. Make arguments for and against the case
4. Justify your overall answer
Ultimately, Paul and Fischl encourage law students to find a "fork in the law” as this is the fail-proof way of passing the intense law school exams.