Fahrenheit 451 (1966 film) Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Fahrenheit 451 (1966 film) Symbols, Allegory and Motifs


The bright red of the fire engine is clearly seen from the beginning of the film. Here, the color red is a symbol of danger and a warning to anyone that the truck proceeds towards.


Books are said to be dangerous by the totalitarian government, as they cause people to believe that they are better than others. Thus, books become a symbol of danger then to anyone who reads them, and a symbol of someone who is corrupted and desires to be above others.


The book people take it upon themselves to memorize a book so that it can be passed along without anyone attempting to destroy it forever. This is a symbol of the necessity for oral tradition so that important literature isn't just available, but a part of our culture in a meaningful way.

Breaking Down

We see one of Linda's friends begin to break down from what Montag has read. This is a symbol of the power of literature to reveal what is deep within us, but has been locked away.


Montag selects Tales of Mystery and Imagination to memorize at the end of the film. This is a symbol that he is dedicated to the cause of preserving literature and understand its meaning as deeply important to society's ability to advance.


At severals points in the film, characters are seen absent mindedly touching their bodies and hugging themselves in a sensual way. It hints towards self-absorption and narcissism that breeds within a society where social interactions are limited and people are preoccupied with their own lives and materialistic wants. In recent times, this phenomenon manifests itself as people over sharing on social media platforms and taking selfies. It could also be hinting at the emptiness that exists withing the dystopian society that relies on sensory stimulation to feel hapy and content over human interactions.


In the film every house on the street where Montag lives, has the same architecture which symbolises the lack of individuality, preferences and personalization. How everyone tries to live the same way to ensure 'equality' within the society. It reflects the inability to think for oneself and the fear of standing out from the crowd in a world where nonconformity is frowned upon.


The offiicial emblem of the firemen is a salamander. In ancient mythology it was beleived that salamaders were born out of flames and are said to have the ability of survive the fire. Use of this emblem means the firemen align themselves with fire and destruction. Salamanders are also associated with the symbol of Ouroboros, a reptile eating its own tail, which hints towards the self destructive nature of the dystopian society the film is set in.

David Copperfield

The first book Montag gets his hands on is charles dicken's "David Copperfield". Montag reciting the first chapter of the novel: 'I Am Born' fells like he's about to tell his own story. This cues for the resonances of literary novels with an average person, we can often see outselves in those stories.


Apple symbolizes "the forbidden fruit of knowledge" referencing towards the biblical forbidden fruit. In a society where aquiring knowlede is prohibited, people eating an apple signifies procuring knowlege. This imagery was seen in the ending sequence of the film, where the book people are reciting their novels.


The Firemen's uniforms are similar to the ones worn by Nazis. Montag salutes his superior officer in a way similar to Nazis hinting towards the oppressive and authoritarian regime in the film. It embodies comformity and the fascist social structure of the society. The black color of the uniforms signify darkness and evil as the firemen are sucking the joy out everyone.

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