"Ever After" and Other Short Stories Quotes


"Annabelle's mother manages the motel, and they get a free apartment behind the office. Annabelle's mother also has to take care of Grandpa, who lives in a trailer a few miles away and needs to go everywhere in a wheelchair with an oxygen tank."


In this quote, we learn something about Annabelle's home life. Her mother is incredibly busy managing the motel and providing for the family, meaning she does not have a great deal of time or attention for Annabelle. On top of this, her Grandfather is ill, meaning her attention is divided further. As a result of this, Annabelle feels a sense of alienation from the people closest to her and turns to animals for comfort.

"Then she started texting him. They were sarcastic texts because she felt hurt and wanted to hurt him, too, though really she loved him and never wanted to hurt him, ever, and felt ashamed that she couldn't stop herself."


In this passage, the narrator tells us about the aftermath of a breakup. The woman struggles with her own feelings of hurt, and as a result, she tries to hurt him by sending nasty text messages. This is something she struggles with within herself because she doesn't truly want to hurt him but she lashes out in anger.

"There a two good things about Grandpa's place. One is the white cat that lives in the woods behind his trailer... the other is that Grandpa will let Annabelle have sweets."


In this quote, we first learn about Annabelle's love for animals. Although she doesn't like going to her Grandfather's home, one of the good things about it is the fact there is a cat nearby. This cheers Annabelle up, as she enjoys the company of animals.

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