
The Idiot

Disability and deformity is a very interesting topic to have come out of the Romantic period. It challenged stereotypes and what the public saw as crippling. The literature written by disabled writers or that feature disabled writers made...

11th Grade

All My Sons

Act One of Arthur Miller's All My Sons introduces themes of money and materialism and a reliance on the supernatural as sources of conflict. The tense beginning indicates escalating acrimony in the following act and foreshadows the tragic finale....

12th Grade


The oral tradition of Archaic Greece involved reciters who recreated the individual characters and incidences each time the poems were orated. The Iliad as among literature conceived during ancient Greece were preserved through oral culture in...

12th Grade


In the novel Frankenstein, Victor’s single-minded pursuit for knowledge drives him further into loneliness and solitude, leaving behind his family and the ones that love him like his adopted sister Elizabeth and his father. But in the Handmaid’s...

9th Grade

The Swimmer

“The Swimmer,” is a short story written by John Cheever. In his short story titled “The Swimmer,” the main character, Neddy Merrill, attempts to travel home by swimming through his neighbors’ pools. As the story progresses, time is shown to be...


The Darling

Vladimir Nabokov’s “Spring in Fialta” and Anton Chekhov’s “The Darling” both explore relationships focusing on the point of view of only one, Victor and Olenka respectively, in the relationship(s). The relationships in both stories end in the...


In an Artist's Studio

Christina Rossetti’s “In an Artist’s Studio” describes the relationship between a male artist and his female muse. The poem takes the form of a Petrarchan sonnet, traditionally used by men to write about a glorified female love interest. In the...


Keats' Poems and Letters

John Keats’ The Eve of St. Agnes explores the supernatural love of Madeline and Porphyro. Keats uses the holy trance of Madeline to explore her relationship with Porphyro, as well as love’s place in their world. The callous environments...


The Marrow of Tradition

In The Marrow of Tradition, Charles Chesnutt clearly depicts the white journalist at fault for causing the spark of anger which set the black community to react in violence. Chesnutt makes it clear the sympathy lies with the black community. The...