

The characters of Ulysses are, to some extent, all shaped by the years of historical turmoil that preceded them. In early 20th century Dublin, they hold their various lineages and family histories to great importance, and others determine their...

12th Grade


It is often debated as to whether the three witches in Shakespeare’s Macbeth represent instruments of fate or whether they are simply manipulating and toying with Macbeth and influencing him to act in certain ways. However, Orson Welles, in his...


The Black Cat

Poe, Hawthorne, and Melville explore marriage through a significant physical object in their respective stories, “The Black Cat,” “The Minister’s Black Veil,” and “I and My Chimney”. In each of the stories, the object serves as a dividing force in...


Paradise Lost

In 1759, Voltaire published his magnum opus, Candide—nearly a century after Milton first published his own masterpiece, Paradise Lost. Upon finally settling on a farm with his dearest friends, Candide concludes the text by saying “we must...


The Canterbury Tales

“Queer[ness] functions to undermine normativity.” (TISON PUGH)

Before introducing the critical debate surrounding Chaucer’s use of queerness and establishing the main argument of this essay, it is important to initially define the meaning of the...