12th Grade

Thomas Hardy: Poems

In both the poetry of Hardy and Eliot, time is used as a key feature to portray feeling about the external world and speakers’ own positions within the universe. Whilst Hardy often uses time to signify the idea that time has the ability to heal...

12th Grade

Keats' Poems and Letters

“He lived in mythology and a fairyland”: this sentiment expressed by Hopkins demonstrates how Keats could easily be perceived as fully immersing himself in an imaginative dream world, yet fails to encompass the notion that he does attempt to play...

12th Grade

Keats' Poems and Letters

Keats evidently uses his poetry as a form of escapism, thus valuing emotions and imagination over logic an reality, as he is able to craft his own form of reality through his writing. Many have speculated that this is due to his, arguably,...



“Daphne, the daughter of the river god / Peneus, was the first love of Apollo” (Ovid 1032). Thus begins Ovid’s recitation of the famous story of Apollo and Daphne in Book I of his 8 A.D. collection of stories, Metamorphoses, his most celebrated...

11th Grade


An issue that has continued to prevail throughout the centuries, and will continue to do so until justice is found, is the role of women in society. For centuries women have been suppressed by the power of men. However, over the past century women...


The Odyssey

The Odyssey by Homer tells the story of the hero Odysseus’ decade long journey home. Throughout this journey the characters use lying to for a variety of reasons, and occasionally, they lie for no reason at all. The lies in The Odyssey do not have...


The Magic Mountain

The Magic Mountain by Thomas Mann, is a novel of dizzying richness, complexity and depth. It discusses topics as varied as European social and cultural decay, philosophical treatments on the mystery and vagaries of Time and the clash of East...


The Stories of Vladimir Nabokov

Vladimir Nabokov’s “Spring in Fialta” explores the protagonist's, Victor's, forbidden and impossible love affair with a carefree woman, Nina. Throughout the text, Victor’s narrative flashes to different, unchronological points in the past and the...