12th Grade

A Clockwork Orange

Anthony Burgess’s Clockwork Orange is a 1960’s novel of the modern era that deals with horrific depictions of violence and rape conducted by the novel’s protagonist, Alex. With Burgess’s elaboration on the themes of humanity and freewill in the...

12th Grade


“When we make a decision we are ‘killing’ our options[...]We are choosing to decide and this feels like a loss.” Business coach Andrew Cussons gave this explanation for “Why People Struggle to Make Decisions.” Shakespeare’s Hamlet heavily preys on...


Hospital Sketches

The published letters by Louisa May Alcott titled “Hospital Sketches” tell of the experiences she, named “Mrs. Periwinkle”, faced as a Civil War nurse. Her three letters (also referred to as sketches), describe her journey to the hospital, life as...