11th Grade

Henry V

War is not ethic nor moral on the best of days, but even during the most brutal battles, some war rules must be established in order to protect soldiers of both sides. One of these rules, for instance, is that a warrior must never kill a soldier...


The Lais of Marie de France

The story of Bisclavret is a lais poem, written by Marie De France in the 12th century. The titular character is a knight cursed with the ability to change into a wolf. However, the true monster of this story is made out to be his unfaithful wife....


Ethan Frome

Many feminist scholars have lauded Edith Wharton for her refusal to shy away from portraying the misery of married women. A common interpretation of Wharton’s intentions were that this misery stems from the dissatisfaction her characters suffer at...

12th Grade

The Color Purple

As one grows and matures throughout their lifetime, countless relationships are created and changed. These shifting relationships help define who a person will ultimately be. Many of the reasons for relationship changes come from social situations...