12th Grade


When reading James Joyce’s, Dubliners, conformity and the role it plays in society are important themes. Throughout the text, the characters struggle to adhere to the “social norms” of their time. In numerous stories, the characters are tasked...

12th Grade

Slaughterhouse Five

World War II is remembered as a struggle against an obviously evil entity; it was the Allied forces’ fight to put down the Axis powers and bring to an end the Nazi’s fascist regime. Allied troops are often exalted as heroes, and remembered for...

12th Grade

Major Barbara

In Major Barbara, one’s religion is equated to their sense of morality, as well as their belief system. The play features a number of characters, each with strong and often conflicting convictions. These faiths shape the characters’ courses of...

11th Grade


In modern-day, power is an entity that everyone desires but the simplest things such as a person’s language or even the socioeconomic status can change the game. Language consists of many elements within but most are disregarded such as culture...


Never Let Me Go

Kazuo Ishiguro’s 2005 novel Never Let Me Go is developed slowly, following its characters as they unassumingly and quietly move through a dystopian landscape towards their deaths. The nature of this dystopian world unfolds piecemeal through Kathy’...


The Old Man and the Sea

Ernest Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea and Bernard Shaw’s Mrs. Warren’s Profession both follow characters who are portrayed as existing on the limits of their respective societies. Santiago and Mrs. Warren both maintain their fringe positions...


The Country Girls

Edna O’Brien’s trilogy “The Country Girls,” republished in 1986, follows two young Irish women as they navigate a system which is not built to allow them success. O’Brien explores many ways in which the society of her time negatively affected...

9th Grade


Sexual assault is an issue that many people are unfortunate to face as it can affect people of any age, race, or location. Nearly everyone has heard of sexual assault, but many people disregard it as a fake issue making it hard for anyone out to...


True West

Growing up on a dusty ranch in rural California, a young Sam Shepard was accustomed to a hardened and seemingly fabled nature of the American West, one that seemed to breathe the kind of utter wildness one might only think imaginable in a John...



Charlotte Brontë’s Villette references a menagerie of folklore and inhabits many stand-out qualities often seen in fairy-tales throughout the novel. This is aided by the fantastical narration provided by Lucy Snowe, the protagonist who seems to...