

Satellites, a 2008 play by Diana Son, examines the lives and relationships of Miles and Nina, a couple who struggle to connect with each other, with their friends, and with their new baby girl Hannah. This tension is developed in a myriad of ways,...


The Odyssey

While Hector and Odysseus in Homer’s The Iliad and The Odyssey are seen as clear heroes, the Argonautica differs in its approach to Jason, as his relatively average abilities are matched by his typically anti-heroic habit of letting others do the...


Citizen Kane

In Orson Welles’ Citizen Kane, (1941) the cinematography utilizes deep focus shots to demonstrate the importance and power dynamic between the characters in the frame, while the heavily varied angles highlight one character at a time. The contrast...



Toni Morrison’s 1987 novel Beloved deals heavily with the theme of trauma. The numerous traumas of the novel are explored mainly through instances of haunting, whether this be mental in the form of dissociation and recurring memories or physical...



Hitchcock’s Rope was based on a 1929 play by Patrick Hamilton, which got its inspiration from the real-life murder of 14-year-old Bobby Franks in 1924 by University of Chicago students Nathan Leopold and Richard Loeb. Rope was produced by...


The Odyssey

Virgil’s Aeneid shares parallel with The Iliad and The Odyssey, however, while the plot shares similarities to both of these poems, Aeneas in Virgil’s epic is vastly different in character and in action to Odysseus in The Odyssey. While there are...


Waiting for Godot

Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot follows two men, Vladimir and Estragon, through a series of largely uneventful and stagnated scenes. The two men constantly attempt to distance themselves from their dismal situation, creating a pattern of...



August Wilson’s “Fences,” a play published in 1985 but set in the 1950s, is one in a set of ten works by Wilson which all make an effort to examine the struggles of African Americans in different time periods. Wilson’s play is rife with symbolism,...

12th Grade


Good intentions with horrible consequences is a thread which ties the classical story of Prometheus, the Greek Titan, to Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus, a 19th century Romantic novel by Mary Shelley. The ancient story of Prometheus goes as...



An exegetical essay on the following passage:

Iliad. III.442-524: From “Then off she went herself to summon Helen...” all the way to “irresistible longing lays me low”.

Lines before this passage, Paris was in combat with Menelaus on the verge of...