11th Grade


Lucy Kirkwood’s Chimerica is an emphatic piece of literature that explores the differences in the systems of government in China and America. The way in which images are presented are crucial to the development of the story, which begins and ends...

12th Grade

The Tempest

Foils are common in Shakespeare—a pair of characters, usually very different but sharing certain commonalities, each highlighting the other’s qualities by contrast. Ariel and Caliban, despite both being servants of Prospero, act as foils to each...

12th Grade


“Athena, [in pursuit of her] adventures as a woman, [tied to an immortal and moral world that is] dominated by a male ethos”, is used to highlight the importance of gender in an unforgiving society. As a woman, Athena is enslaved to her gender, in...


Lord of the Flies

A prominent feature of dystopian literature is the ability of certain individuals to capitalize on the fear of others in order to gain power. A novel that this is evident in is William Golding’s Lord of the Flies, in which we see how power is...

12th Grade

The Sun Also Rises

In Ernest Hemingway's novel The Sun Also Rises the protagonist, Jake Barnes, struggles with being impotent in a post World War I society which bases masculinity primarily on a man’s ability to perform in his relationships. The other male...


Adam Bede

Adam Bede published in 1859 is George Eliot’s first full-length novel but not her first fiction. At the time of its apparition, she had already published a collection of three novellas and established herself as an editor, reviewer, and essayist....