
Goethe's Faust

In Goethe’s Faust, Faust’s perception of women is a representation of his own inadequacies, while the portrayal of women - the witch’s relationship with magic, and Gretchen’s clear-sightedness - highlight Faust’s own inability to see himself as he...


The Testament of Cresseid

Henryson’s Testament of Cresseid is a story about transformation both physically and narratively, enacted upon Cresseid as a punishment – physically – and – narratively – to make a moral point. The reader first learns that her lover, Diomeid, has...



Othello’s final speech explores his guilt over murdering Desdemona, as well as Othello’s own struggle with identity as a black Muslim in Venice. Before delivering his speech, Othello becomes convinced by Iago that Desdemona has been unfaithful to...



Religion is often an important feature in Gothic literature. Authors use religion in a number of ways throughout these texts, and it is interesting to consider how their representation of religion impacts the stories that they create. One of the...


The Winter's Tale

Both Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale and Cymbeline are about persuasion in one form or another. Key features of the plot hinge on the characters’ varying level of success in convincing others to do or believe something. If Paulina had persuaded...

12th Grade


Dystopian speculations of the future reveal the ill-kept promises of capitalism, and apprise the responders of repercussions of social manipulation that jeopardize human welfare. This notion is evinced within Fritz Lang’s German expressionist film...


Sappho: Poems and Fragments

Sappho’s poetry in ‘If Not, Winter,’ is autobiographical firstly in the sense that anything anyone writes is autobiographical, as one’s narrative inclinations are very telling of that person’s focus and preoccupations; secondly in the sense that...


Sir Orfeo

In Sir Orfeo, ‘a once-achieved but subsequently lost partner is rescued from a dominant and possessive rival by an act of supreme generosity’ (Shippey, 83). Dominant and possessive are words one might associate with an overbearing, abusive lover,...



“A hero. You want to be one of those rare human beings who make history, rather than merely watch it flow around them like water around a rock.” - Dan Simmons

Both the novel Stardust by Neil Gaiman and the film adaption Stardust (Dir. Matthew...


The Two Gentlemen of Verona

Shakespeare’s The Two Gentlemen of Verona is, if not a love story, then a story about love as represented through various characters, primarily Proteus, Valentine, and Julia. The reader sees their attitudes towards love change throughout the plot,...


The Two Noble Kinsmen

Shakespeare’s The Two Noble Kinsmen is a play, primarily, about reversal: reversal of circumstances, reversal of relationships, overwhelming emotion juxtaposed against a complete dearth of emotion. The plot is an interplay of these reversals from...


Measure for Measure

The language of the body in Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure furthers one of the main tensions of the plot, namely, the manifold nature of having a body. First, that one’s state as a person is determined by one’s physicality, and vice versa. One’...


Pearl (Middle English)

A central focus of Pearl is perfection; ‘my precious pearl without a spot’ (1.4.48), ‘that gem so clean’ (1.4.47) – the titular pearl is rarely mentioned without some corresponding description of its flawlessness. The language describing the...