

In his novel Dispatches, Michael Herr narrates his experiences in the Vietnam War as a correspondent. The lack of plot, characters, and chronological ordering of his stories epitomizes the disorder and chaos surrounding the war, allowing his...

9th Grade

The Interlopers

In the short story, “The Interlopers,” Saki describes that feuds are never really worth it, and people should just get along. Many people don’t understand how ridiculous it is to fight with another person for reasons almost unknown to both. These...

12th Grade


Arguably one of Plath’s more joyous poems, You’re can be considered a celebration of a child growing inside a mother’s womb. Particularly noteworthy is its affirming outlook on life, albeit that of Plath’s new child rather than her own existence....

12th Grade

Burial Rites

“There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of the law and in the name of justice.” - Montesquieu

“Corruption is inevitable under a system of society which only survives through the exploitation of one class by...


Ex Machina (Film)

The English filmmaker, Alex Garland, has written and directed the movie Ex Machina, which is a science fiction film which talks about artificial intelligence and how humans are interested or even obsessed in creating something in their own...