Dallas Buyers Club Quotes


“Oh, I'm the drug dealer? No, you're the f*ckin' drug dealer. I mean, goddamn, people are dyin'. And y'all are up there afraid that we're gonna find an alternative without you.”

Ron Woodroof

Ron responds to one of the FDA personnel who intend to stop his illegal distribution of non-approved medication to HIV patients. He alludes to the fact that it is ironic that they view him as a drug peddler but the FDA and Big Pharma are the biggest drug dealers. In that they seek to cease non-approved drugs from the market, as it does not benefit them financially. He also points how unethical it is that the medications are regulated by FDA and major drug companies while patients are dying due to lack of proper drugs. While Ron’s opinion regarding the FDA might be far-fetched considering their job is to ensure drugs are properly tested before they enter the market, he raises significant queries about the pharmaceutical market.

“Mr. Woodroof, you've tested positive for HIV. Have you ever used intravenous drugs? Have you ever engaged in homosexual conduct?”

Dr. Sevard

The doctor's questions after diagnosing Ron with HIV attests to the perception of the disease even among the medical society. The virus in the 1980s was more widespread in the gay community hence AIDS became a disease associated with sexual orientation. Even Ron questions his diagnosis as he among others believe the virus is linked to homosexuality and was not a major concern for heterosexual populace. Although the doctor also mentions other ways one can contract the virus such as sharing of apparatus in drug use, it had been ingrained in the people’s mind that it was related to homosexuality. However, the opinion would change in time as the masses became more educated on the virus.

“Let me give y'all a little news flash. There ain't nothin' out there can kill f*ckin' Ron Woodroof in 30 days.”

Ron Woodroof

Ron is a strong-willed individual and the plot of the film is a chronicling of his determined endeavors in acquiring treatment for his ailment. While HIV/AIDS was considered a death sentence during this period Ron holds an optimistic attitude towards his situation despite the opinions of the doctors. The quotation in regards to his HIV diagnosis is a testament to his dissident essence; thus, he manages to help himself and others in his altruistic process and quest.

"No, I'm a f*cking doctor!"

Doctor Saks

This quote occurs in response to Ron assuming Doctor Saks was a nurse rather than a doctor, and repeatedly dismissing her because she was a woman. Both the aggressive tone and the profanity used in this quote match the way Woodroof was speaking to Doctor Saks, as opposed to the calm, professional manner she used before. Thus, this outburst leads Ron to treat Eve as an equal, despite the sexist ideology he has been taught.

"If you get caught, don't say you got AIDS. They'll never let you back in."

Doctor Vass, to Woodroof

Said to Ron before the first time he smuggled drugs into the United States, this quote reflects the extent of societal rejection people with AIDS suffered from. Though Woodroof was carrying a large supply of drugs, his status as HIV positive was the the real danger while at the border.

"You enjoy your life, little lady. You only got one."

Ron Woodroof, to Eve

The use of "you" instead of "we" in this quote holds great significance, since by not including himself in his advice, Ron implies that he does not have a life anymore. Despite surviving for years after his diagnosis, Ron knew that his life would consist of mere survival and a ticking clock.

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