Dallas Buyers Club Imagery

Dallas Buyers Club Imagery


Dr. Sevard and Dr. Saks wear masks when they are meeting Ron for the first time. This imagery reveals that no one truly knows the dangers of AIDS at this time in the 1980s. It also creates a very clear image of division from Ron, a sick man, and the world he once knew and belonged to.


Tucker see Ron at the grocery store while he's shopping with Rayon. Tucker won't shake Rayon's hand because she's transgender. Ron chokes Tucker and demands he shake her hand. The imagery reveals Ron's evolution as he's changed from a man of hatred against transgender people to one who sees Rayon as a human being and won't allow the "ignorant cowboy" both internally and externally to perpetrate hatred against his friend.


Dr. Sevard comes into the hospital room to tell Ron that he's giving him AZT, which Ron won't take because he knows it makes him even more sick. Seeing the cops in the room creates the imagery of violence that Ron potentially is going to be restrained to do what Dr. Sevard wants him to do. And this is what Ron must resist.

Life Insurance

Rayon comes into Ron's room and gives him the money from her life insurance policy. The imagery creates the reality that there is nothing between Rayon and Ron but love, and the reality that Rayon knows her life is close to ending. It's a sad reality that she knows she is dying, but while she lives she will give everything she has in order to make a way for others to be healed.

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