Dallas Buyers Club Literary Elements

Dallas Buyers Club Literary Elements


Jean-Marc Vallee

Leading Actors/Actresses

Matthew McConaughey

Supporting Actors/Actresses

Jared Leto, Jennifer Garner, David O'Hare, Steve Zhan


Biography, Drama




Won 3 Academy Awards: Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role - Matthew McConaughey, Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role - Jared Leto,Best Achievement in Makeup and Hairstyling - Adruitha Lee & Robin Mathews

Date of Release



Robbie Brenner, Rachel Winter

Setting and Context

Dallas - 1985, During the intial outbreak of the AIDS epidemic

Narrator and Point of View

POV is that of Ron

Tone and Mood

Serious, Dramatic

Protagonist and Antagonist

Protagonist/Antagonist is Ron. Protagonists are Rayon and Eve. Antagonists are Dr. Sevard and Tucker.

Major Conflict

Woodruff contracts AIDS and seeks medical treatment from a doctor in Mexico that will prolong his life. The drugs aren't FDA approved and can't be purchased in America so he, along with Rayon, sets up The Dallas Buyers Club to helps AIDS patients purchase the drugs.


Woodruff has to fight the FDA in court as they won't allow him to continue to take/sell the drugs that are actually helping him and others. Rayon dies of AIDS and Woodruff survives years longer than the life expectancy he's given by the doctors.


The first meeting between Ron and Rayon foreshadows this is a relationship that Ron will have to learn to connect with rather than reject.


It is understated that Dr. Saks will help to fight the medical profession.

Innovations in Filming or Lighting or Camera Techniques



The film is an allusion to the reality of stereotyping and the injustice and prejudice that has been and continues to be perpetrated upon people who have AIDS.


Ron is a man's man, a cowboy who doesn't show great emotion. Paradoxically he learns to love people he's never accepted before in his life and it reveals who he truly is as a human being.


The FDA filing an injunction against Ron parallels Dr. Sevard telling Ron what he must put in his body in order to live - all political and capitalistic half-truths.

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