Cloud Cuckoo Land Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    How does the author come up with the theme of connectivity?

    The author is focused on engaging readers by reminding them of the past, the contemporary happenings and the prediction of the future. Therefore, readers are engaged to follow historical and current events, but they are connected by the things that happen. Consequently, the author intends to connect his readers with their surroundings.

  2. 2

    Why do you think the author is focused on persuading his readers to take pleasure in reading?

    According to the author, ‘Cloud Cuckoo Land’ does not only contain a multi-layered plot, but it is a combination of many novels intended to improve the reader's experience. Similarly, the author makes the book both comical and intriguing by using the ancient Greek manuscript, which captures readers' attention. Therefore, reading is not only about pleasure, but it also educates and inspires.

  3. 3

    How satirical is the book ‘Cloud Cuckoo Land’ by Antony Doer?

    The author of this novel intentionally took a different direction from that taken by many writers who create a perfect fictional world. In this book, the author shows that the people who live in Cloud Cuckoo land are okay, unlike those who live outside. Ironically, when the author discusses the future world, he forgets to create a perfect fictional world.

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