Cloud Cuckoo Land Characters

Cloud Cuckoo Land Character List


Anna is an orphan who comes across a copy of 'Cloud Cuckoo Land' in the library before Saracen forces demolish it.


Omeir is a young boy compelled to join the Saracen army at his tender age.


Zeno is an aged man training young children to act 'Cloud Cuckoo Land' after library hours.


Konstance is a character in the future who is in an intergenerational ship called Argos travelling to a distant planet.


Aethon is a man on a mission to get to a romantic paradise in the sky called 'Cloud Cuckoo Land.'


Sharif is a library staff member.


Maria is Ann's sister, and she works at a convent.

Master Kalaphates

Master is the one running the operations of the convent house.

Rex Browning

Rex is a prisoner who loves Greek Classics.


Bunny is Seymour’s mother.

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