Boyz n the Hood Irony

Boyz n the Hood Irony


Ricky is recruited by the University of Southern California to play on their prestigious football team, and even scores a 710 on his SATs which gets him eligible. Ironically, his life is stolen before he ever has the chance to play for them as he's gunned down in a drive-by shooting.

Property Value

Furious explains that the property value of a vacant lot in the community isn't worth much. Ironically, when the black folks begin to be forced out, the land owners of the lot will increase the price in order to make a profit off of what they will now deem an "up-and-coming neighborhood".

Pulled Over

Tre and Ricky are pulled over by the same cop who pulled Tre's father over earlier. Having not done anything the cop threatens Tre, even pulling his firearm out on him. This is the irony of police protection in Crenshaw - that even the officers have become a threat to the people in the community.

Splitting Up

Ricky convinces Tre to split up to avoid anymore danger from Ferris and his crew. Ironically, by splitting up Ricky is too late to see Ferris' guy pulling out a shot gun on him, and he is murdered in the alley.

The Endless Cycle

Tre has joined Doughboy to go after Ferris and kill him. He realizes, just short of actually finding Ferris, the irony that he's choosing to continue a cycle of violence that will never end if he continues this way. This causes him to get out of the car and leave Doughboy because he won't do it anymore.

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