Topdog/Underdog Quotes


"I don't gotta spend my whole life hustling. Theres more to Link than that. More to me than some cheap hustle. More to life than cheating some idiot out of his paycheck or his life savings."


Lincoln's statement is a revelatory one as it reveals that his mind is capable of seeing beyond his current circumstances to know what kind of life he does not want. Indeed, the life he doesn't want is one where people put everything at stake and when that is the case they are willing to do anything to keep it, including kill. Lincoln has seen this firsthand, and he wants no part of it. He'd rather be a fake Abraham Lincoln than the real deal in the 3-Card hustle.

"BOOTH: Least we was grown when they split.

LINCOLN: 16 and 11 ain't grown."

Booth and Lincoln

Booth believes that they were fully grown when their parents abandoned them. Lincoln revealing the truth shows that Booth doesn't understand the concept of what being fully grown is. Booth and Lincoln's bodies may be the same but their minds are in different places.

"No thanks. That shit ain't for me. I ain't into pretending I'm someone else all day."


Booth says this to his brother after Lincoln offers to put a word in with the arcade to hire him. Booth believes his brother is pretending to be someone he's not while he works and when he isn't. The trouble is Booth has no idea about his identity, though he believes he does.

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