Three Cups of Tea
This promotional website contains limited information about the authors, the book, and Greg Mortenson's charity organization. Most useful are the reading guide and question and answer transcript provided in the "FAQ" section.
Greg Mortenson
This website largely contains links to Mortenson's projects and books, but it also has a good bio section, and visitors can sign up to follow Mortenson on Twitter.
David Oliver Relin
Provides a short biography of Relin.
Central Asia Institute
The Central Asia Institute is a non-profit organization founded by Greg Mortenson "with the mission to promote and support community-based education, especially for girls, in remote regions of northern Pakistan and Afghanistan." This website describes their work and provides a condensed history of the organization, which is the basis of Three Cups of Tea.
Pennies for Peace
This program of the Central Asia Institute tries to teach schoolchildren about their opportunities and responsibilities to share their resources with those in need, on a global scale. The program was inspired by Mortenson's first donation to support his first school, $623.45 from the students where Mortenson's mother, the principal, had asked him to speak.
Stones into Schools
This sequel to Three Cups of Tea describes the expansion of Mortenson's work into Afghanistan.