- Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin. Three Cups of Tea: One Man's Mission to Promote Peace...One School at a Time. New York: Penguin, 2007.
- Greg Mortenson. Stones into Schools: Promoting Peace with Books, Not Bombs, in Afghanistan and Pakistan. New York: Penguin, 2010.
- Laura King. ""Three Cups of Tea" a Byword for U.S. Effort to Win Afghan Hearts and Minds." The Los Angeles Times. 2010-08-17. 2014-04-10. <http://articles.latimes.com/2010/aug/17/world/la-fg-afghanistan-tea-20100818>.
- Kevin Fedarko. "He Fights Terror with Books." Parade. 2003-04-06. 2014-04-10. <http://www.parade.com/articles/editions/2003/edition_04-06-2003/Greg_Mortenson>.
- Bill Moyers. "Interview with Greg Mortenson." Bill Moyers Journal. 2010-01-14. 2014-04-10. <http://www.pbs.org/moyers/journal/01152010/transcript2.html>.
- "Three Cups of Tea." Central Asia Institute. 2009-01-01. 2010-12-13. <http://www.threecupsoftea.com/>.
- Carolyn Kellogg. "Greg Mortenson of "Three Cups of Tea" returns to explain his actions." 2014-01-14. 2014-04-10. <http://www.latimes.com/books/jacketcopy/la-et-jc-greg-mortenson-of-three-cups-of-tea-returns-to-explain-his-actions-20140120,0,2820493.story#axzz2yrIiKqd1>.
- Nicholas D. Kristof. ""Three Cups of Tea," Spilled." 2011-04-20. 2014-04-10. <http://www.nytimes.com/2011/04/21/opinion/21kristof.html?_r=0>.
- Leslie Kaufman. "David Oliver Relin, Adventurous Journalist, Dies at 49." 2012-12-02. 2014-04-10. <http://www.nytimes.com/2012/12/03/business/media/david-oliver-relin-co-author-of-three-cups-of-tea-dies-at-49.html>.
- Hugh Fitzgerald. "General Petraeus Made "Three Cups Of Tea" Mandatory Reading For His Soldiers." 2011-04-11. 2014-04-10. <http://www.newenglishreview.org/blog_direct_link.cfm/blog_id/33986>.
- Mike Giglio. "Exclusive: Three Cups of Tea Author Greg Mortenson Sued for Fraud, Deceit, Breach of Contract." 2011-05-06. 2014-04-10. <http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2011/05/06/greg-mortenson-sued-for-fraud-and-racketeering-for-three-cups-of-tea.html>.
- Joshua Keating. "Obama donated part of Nobel Prize money to allegedly fraudulent "Three Cups of Tea" charity." 2011-04-19. 2014-04-10. <http://blog.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/04/19/obama_donated_nobel_prize_funds_to_three_cups_of_tea_charity>.