The Varieties of Religious Experience Themes

The Varieties of Religious Experience Themes

The Theme of Religion

Religion is a complex field of study than it is deemed to be. However, most religious followers have no clue why they are die-hards of particular religions. For instance, one finds himself to be a Christian or Hindu simply because his parents initiated him. Others join a particular religion because of its history and traditions. However, no one steps back to question why that religion was started and what its motives are. The narrator says that religion is an illusion because no one has evidence of how Christ looks like. He says that Christ is a fantasy proxy for a mortal object of fondness.

The theme of sexual Life and Consciousness

The narrator has focused on sexual life to relate it to religion. According to the narrator, sexual life is a process that takes place in phases. There is no shortcut in life and this is approved through sexual theory. He tries to relate sexual life to religion, which he ends up questioning. Most religious theories cannot be substantiated the ways sexual life could. Largely, the believes that there is no Christ and his existence is an imagination. He writes:

The plain truth is that to interpret religion one must, in the end, look at the immediate content of the religious consciousness. The moment one does this, one sees how wholly disconnected it is in the main from the content of the sexual consciousness. "

The narrator concludes that sexual consciousness can be based on facts but religion remains to be a fallacy.


Largely, the narrator provides descriptions that help readers to deduce religion should be a choice but not based on traditions and norms. The narrator explains that most people are in various religious groupings because either parents or traditions introduced them. Additionally, they are relying on ancient assumptions and scriptures written by others. The narrator tends to assume that religion is a form of slavery, which does not allow people to have a healthy-mindedness through choice. He supports the sentiments of Spinoza who condemns repentance because that is reserved for slavish minds. According to Spinoza, people who are fond of repenting are the most sinners with an unhealthy mind because they keep on doing wrong deeds knowing that they are going to repent and be forgiven,

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