The Varieties of Religious Experience Quotes


"As I was walking with several friends, I lifted my head and saw three steeple-house spires, and they struck at my life. I asked them what place that was? They said, Lichfield. Immediately the word of the Lord came to me, that I must go thither.”


Fox is the founder of the Quakers religion and he is a man of deep faith. He establishes true religious doctrines upon which his followers should live. He sees the vision of the Lord. The Lord directs and guides him on what to do and at what particular time. In this quote, he is demonstrating to the reader that indeed he talks to God. As he walks with his friends, he lifts his head and sees three-steeple spires, which struck, at his life and the word of the Lord comes to him. This incident only happens to the men of faith who have laid their foundation and religion in the Lord. According to him, the Lord directs and commands him to guide his people and lead then to eternity.

"I will analyze the actions and appetites of men as if it were a question of lines, of planes, and solids."


These words are echoed by Spinoza to emphasize investigating the causes of an issue before coming up with a conclusion. For instance, he refers to men whose actions must be investigated and analyzed before drawing any conclusion. Additionally, it is good to take into consideration the passions of others when trying to understand their wishes, ways of worshiping and living. For instance, when trying to understand why others stick to a particular religion, investigate the reasons why they joined it and what they are looking forward to achieving at the end.

“Whether facts be moral or physical, it makes no matter. They always have their causes. There are causes for ambition, courage, veracity, just as there are for digestion, muscular movement, and animal heat. Vice and virtue are products like vitriol and sugar.”

M. Taine

According to M. Taine, facts can be moral or physical and in either way, they have specific causes. For instance, an individual can base his reasoning on ambition and courage with and intended specific goal. Taine wrote this quote in his literature book to enlighten the reader on the significance of not judging. People who jump to making conclusions without investigating the cause of a certain issue are not justifiable. He refers to digestion, muscular movement, and animal heat to emphasize investigating the causes of any particular fact before making a decision.

"In this state, the soul is like a little child still at the breast, whose mother to caress him whilst he is still in her arms makes her milk distill into his mouth without his even moving his lips. So it is here... Our Lord desires that our will should be satisfied with sucking the milk which His Majesty pours into our mouth and that we should relish the sweetness without even knowing that it cometh from the Lord."

St. Francoise de Sales

St. Francoise de Sales says this quote to mean that God blesses those who do his will. If one decides to follow what God instructs, he or she receives blessings without struggle just as the baby suckles milk without moving his lips. The Lord desires to pour his blessings to his people but one has to decide following His teachings first. An individual living sacredly does not need to struggle in this world because the good Lord is merciful enough to pour blessing upon him. When the Lord notices an individual living in a holy way, he caresses him and then pours blessings endlessly until the receiver says it is enough.

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