This is a theme that is central to the play, as it is about Western cultures coming to countries that have not been set up for industrialization in order to take their natural resources and provide "progress" to the country. However, progress is not improvement in healthcare nor creating distributed wealth, but instead about the vanity of the rich making even more profit.
Displacement of Indigenous Tribes
The Naga tribe represents the whole of indigenous tribes across the globe that have been displaced as Western businesses have come in to pillage their land of its natural resources. Not only do the businesses take their land, but they poison it as their refineries destroy the land that was once rich and lush.
We learn that Abivara has gone to university overseas in order to be educated in a Western school. We learn that many of the youth are being send overseas to study in Western schools, and it is presented as an incredible opportunity for advancement in knowledge. Nonetheless, we also learn from Big Boss that the youth of a culture are sent overseas in order to inject them with the Western ideology of industrialization and capitalism, which Big Boss hopes will infect the culture when they return home, ultimately increasing profits for his kind.