What is the most significant lesson that readers learn from Philip Marlowe?
Marlowe is an idealist man who believes in truth, honor, and strict adherence to society's laws. Unfortunately, Marlowe's strong character has left him an isolated man because many people do not want to be associated with him because he a straightforward man. Marlowe condemns all forms of corruption and misuse of money to control others. It saddens Marlowe to see people becoming corrupt and oppressive because they have more resources than others. Therefore, the reader learns that good character is inbuilt, and people should always know what is right.
How does Marlowe emblem his incorruptibility?
The character of Marlowe surprises his readers in most of his literary work. Marlowe is an individual who does not accept to be paid for services he delivers. The reader expects Marlowe only to refuse bribes. Ironically, Marlowe refuses payments for the works that he genuinely provides. Marlowe's action to refuse payments for the services he renders denotes his unqualified purity.
What does the author mean when saying, “The power of money becomes very difficult to control, and man has always been a vernal animal?”
It is often said that money the mother of all evils in society. Chandler uses Harlan Porter's character to illustrate how money can make someone corrupt and authoritarian in the community. Porter is a wealthy man, and he uses his influence to interfere with the investigation of his daughter's murder. Porter knows the details of her daughter's death, and he does not want the truth to come out. Marlowe is investigating the cause of Porter's daughter's murder, but Porter threatens to kill him if he dares to continue with the investigation. Consequently, Porter's quote illustrates that an individual with higher economic status can influence things according to their ways.
The Long Goodbye Essay Questions
by Raymond Chandler
Essay Questions
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