The Line of Beauty Quotes


“He wanted pure compliments, just as he wanted unconditional love.”

The narrator

This quote is reflective of one of the key character traits of the novel's protagonist, Nick Guest: his selfishness. At the start of the novel, the narrator reveals that Nick Guest is unmarried but seeking to have a long-term partner, much like Gerald and his wife, whom he stays with. He seemingly has everything going for him, including a loving partner and an up-and-coming career. But that wasn't enough for him. He wanted more: more love, more adoration, and perhaps most importantly, more power. He didn't care about the harm his actions could inflict upon those he purports to love; he only cared about himself. This selfishness is also reflected in his desire to use the influence from Gerald and his wife to get ahead in life, so he can become more powerful and wealthy.

“There is a sort of aesthetic poverty about conservatism”

The narrator

This quote reflects the worldview of many conservatives in the United Kingdom. For many people throughout the world, poverty is a way of life. However, for many conservative members of parliament (and other people with high-minded ideals), it is something they base their ideas on. Naturally, conservatism looks to the past and looks to history as aspirational goals to return to. According to the narrator, there is nothing beneath the surface to conservatism and conservative ideals. In other words, conservatism is about style, but not substance. It is about aesthetics, not structure and substance.

“ the roses and begonias they seemed to take and hold the richly filtered evening light.”

The narrator

The above quote establishes the setting and mood of the novel. Much of the novel is imbued with a fantastic sense of place that is rooted deeply in reality. Although there are nasty, unsavory things occurring in the world of The Line of Beauty, there are admirable things, too. Things that people can look to and appreciate when their life otherwise seems desperate. These little moments of light, which are replete with descriptions of things like flowers, show that there is always something positive going on during difficult times and in hard areas.

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