Abashed (66)
(adj.) ashamed or embarrassed; disconcerted
Apotheosis (63)
(noun) the elevation or exaltation of a person to the rank of a god; or the ideal example of something; epitome; quintessence
Complacent (81)
(adj.) pleased, especially with oneself or one’s merits, advantages, situation, etc., often without awareness of some potential danger or defect; satisfied
Consolation (46)
(noun) something that consoles or comforts someone; the act of consoling someone
Decorum (71)
(noun) dignified behavior, speech, dress, or general manner; observant of manners or etiquette
Discernible (73)
(adj.) capable of being perceived by sight or any sense; distinguishable
Disingenuous (75)
(adj.) lacking in frankness, candor, or sincerity; falsely or hypocritically ingenuous; insincere
Dispiriting (83)
(adj.) tending to lower the spirit or enthusiasm; depressing; discouraging
Ethos (64)
(noun) the fundamental character or spirit [of something]
Euphemism (5)
(noun) a mild, indirect or vague term or expression used in substitution for a term or expression considered offensive, harsh, or blunt
Gap year (37)
(noun) a year’s break taken by a student before starting further education
Gobbet(s) (48)
(noun) a fragment or piece [of something]
Ignominy (95)
(noun) a disgrace or dishonor; shameful or dishonorable conduct
Inexpedient (73)
(adj.) not judicious or advisable
Meretricious (60)
(adj.) alluring by show; flashy; vulgar; based on pretense, deception, or insincerity
Milked (61)
(adj.) Intoxicated; inebriated
Modernity (36)
(noun) the quality of being modern; something modern
Monasticism (63)
(noun) the monastic system – a system of or pertaining to monasteries
MP (3)
(abbrev., noun) Member of Parliament (United Kingdom)
Oxbridge (8)
(noun) a portmanteau of the words ‘Oxford’ and ‘Cambridge’
Pillion (51)
(noun) a passenger’s seat or saddle behind the driver’s seat on a motorcycle
Pillock (96)
(noun) a stupid person
Rapier (64)
(noun) a small sword with a narrow blade, commonly used during the 18th century
Rune(s) (48)
(noun) an aphorism, poem, or saying with mystical meaning
Spectre (US: specter) (36)
(noun) a ghost; a phantom; an apparition; a mental image of something unpleasant or menacing
Supply teacher (10)
(noun) the British equivalent of the American phrase ‘substitute teacher’ or ‘temporary teacher’
To be shot of [something] (87)
(expression) a British informal expression meaning “to be rid of [something or someone]”
Impinge (50)
(verb) to make an impression; to have an effect or impact; to encroach or infringe [upon something] (usually followed by "an," "on," or "upon")
To soft pedal [something] (82)
(expression) an expression meaning “to tone down” or “to play down [something]”; to make something less strong
To trot out [something] (48)
(expression) to bring [something] forward for inspection
Tosh (94)
(noun) nonsense
Unprecedented (73)
(adj.) without previous instance; never before known or experienced; unexampled
Viva voce (xvii)
(noun) the oral part of an examination