The Golem Quotes


“Disease, pain, sorrow, love, grief – all are nought to –”

The golem

The only feature that can characterize the main antagonist golem is its emotional detachment. The golem does not feel happiness, anger, fun, love, joy, sadness or other emotions. The golem has no emotions. Its insensitivity betrays it. However, we can notice that Mr. and Mrs. Gumbeiner’s joy and humor help to defeat the antagonist. The golem hints that emotions and sensations are insignificant. However, those people, who lose their feelings, they will become inanimate. They will become robots. Davidson proves that one should not be ashamed of one’s feelings, because one day they will help to defeat the bitterest enemy.

“Between me and all mankind is an inevitable hatred.”

The golem

Do you know that people, who are insensible, have one feature that makes them enemies? Of course, this is hatred. This is the worst hatred, which can end with murder. Although the golem is not a living person, it hates people, because it is so programmed. Even if the android had been a living person, its hatred would have made the whole world hate. Every human gaze, every human word and action would have irritated the golem. It has such a “temper”. Somebody orders the golem to destroy the whole humanity and this desire does not leave its iron head. No one can stop the golem, because it has a purpose. Moreover, the golem is a robot.

“How could you stand to be married to such a stupid person all this time?”

Mr. Gumbeiner

Mr. Gumbeiner loves his wife endlessly, because she is very beautiful despite her age. Mrs. Gumbeiner is kind and always supports her husband. She does not like, when Mr. Gumbeiner sits for hours doing nothing. Therefore, the old woman always makes him do something. Despite her indignation, the old man loves his wife. However, he does not understand why Mrs. Gumbeiner loves him. The fact is that nothing matters, when you are truly in love. This love makes you endure all the tricks, problems and temper of your loved one. Mrs. Gumbeiner tolerates her husband’s laziness, because she knows that he is old and does not have the strength to work. She takes care of him. Of course, this is true love.

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