The Crystal Cave Characters

The Crystal Cave Character List

Merlin (Myrddin Emrys)

Merlin is the illegitimate son of Lady Niniane, daughter to the King of South Wales. He does not know who his father is. His grandfather does not like him and his Uncle Camlach tries to kill him. Merlin spends his childhood hiding from his peers, and does not know that he has a special gift until he meets Galapas who tutors him. Merlin has precognition and can see events not only from the future, but also from the past. When his grandfather dies, Merlin runs away so that Camlach will not kill him. He is taken prisoner by men associated with Ambrosius, the rightful High King of Britain who had to flee England as a child. Ambrosius sees Merlin’s visions as power and treats him more like a prince than his grandfather did.

Merlin learns that Ambrosius is his father and uses his skills as an engineer to help his father in his goal to retake his Kingdom. Merlin’s visions predict that Ambrosius will become the King of Britain. Once this is accomplished, Merlin makes his home in the cave where Galapas lived. He only leaves when he is summoned by the King. Upon Ambrosius’ death, his brother Uther becomes King. Merlin helps Uther to consummate his love with Lady Ygraine, the Duke of Cornwall’s wife. This union produces Arthur, the legendary King of Britain.

Lady (Princess) Niniane

Lady Niniane is the daughter of the King of South Wales. She became pregnant when she was sixteen and would not disclose the name of the father to her father. He whipped her until he was warned that she would miscarriage, yet she still would not say. Lady Niniane knew that her son would be seen as an enemy to the High King and could be used against Ambrosius.

Lady Niniane has visions as Merlin does. She is scared of her visions and turns to religion to repress them. She refuses all of the men that her father tries to make her marry. She wants to go to St. Peter’s and devote her life to God. She gets this opportunity when her father dies. Camlach agrees to her request to spend the rest of her life at St Peter’s.

Prince Camlach

Prince Camlach is the son of the King of South Wales. He feels threatened by Merlin and worries that his father will turn up to claim his son and threaten Camlach’s claim to the throne of South Wales. He attempts to kill Merlin and when this does not work pretends that he does not exist. He plans to send him to a monastery when he is old enough. Camlach takes over the Kingdom when his father dies. He sides with Vortimer, the High King’s son, when he attempts to take over the High King’s throne. This betrayal leads to his death and the High King Vortigern taking over his palace and killing his children.

King of South Wales

The King of South Wales is a difficult man. He does not like not knowing who Merlin’s father is. He sees his daughter as insubordinate for not telling him. He and Camlach do not agree on the future of the Kingdom. The King is for Vortigern and Camlach is for Vortimer. He believes the country needs a younger High King. The King dies by slipping on spilt wax in the hallway as he comes from the room of his mistress.


Cerdic is a Saxon slave in the palace of the King of South Wales. He and Merlin are friends. Cerdic gives Merlin advice and tries to help him not feel so alone in the palace. He is killed by the king’s guards when he accidently spills wax in the hallway and the King slips in it, hits his head and dies. Merlin is upset by Cerdic’s death. He knows that he was killed because he was his friend. Merlin sets the body on fire as is the Saxon way.


Dinias is the illegitimate son of the King of South Wales. He is accepted in the Kingdom and makes Merlin’s life miserable. He is a bully who treats Merlin as his father does. Dinias is doted on by the King and by Prince Camlach. He is a warrior and great horseman unlike Merlin. Dinias fights with Camlach against Vortigern, but is able to keep his life. He lives like a beggar in the rundown palace of his father. Dinias dies in battle fighting with Ambrosius’ army.


Galapas teaches Merlin about biology, healing and visions. He teaches him the secrets of the Crystal Cave. Galapas guides Merlin to events and places that he needs to see and be part of. Galapas is killed by Vortigern’s men and his cave ransacked. They stop up the spring by the cave and desecrate Galapas’ belongings.

High King Vortigern

High King Vortigern received his crown by killing the High King and taking the throne. The brothers of the murdered High King escaped the country to Brittany. He is under constant fear that the brothers will come back to claim their throne. Vortigern is married to a Saxon. The people do not like her. The Saxons invaded their country and they fought them back and their King as married one. Vortigern has to fight his own sons to maintain his throne. He dies at the hand of Ambrosius.

Vortimer and Parcentius

Vortimer and Parcentius are the sons of the High King Vortigern. They are at odds with their father because they do not like his Saxon queen or his policy of inviting the Saxons to fight his battles for him. They see the Saxons as invaders that were ousted from their Kingdom and their father is inviting them back. Their attempt to take the throne by force fails and Vortimer is killed.


Ambrosius is the rightful heir of the throne of the High King in Britain. Vortigern killed his brother and took the crown. Ambrosius and his brother, Uther had to flee the country for their safety. He and Uther have been planning for years to take back the Kingdom. Ambrosius met Lady Niniane when he was on a reconnaissance mission in Britain. He and his men were attacked and Niniane found him and took care of him. They fell in love. He did not know she was pregnant and she would not leave her home to join him in Brittany.

Ambrosius accepts Merlin as his son and goes on to become the King of Britain as Merlin predicts. He begins to rebuild the cities and make the land safer for the people. The people admire and love their new ruler. He asks Merlin to build him a monument for his grave using the King Stone that was taken by the Irish as his grave stone. Merlin finds the stone and brings it back to Britain as Ambrosius dies.


Uther is the brother of Ambrosius. He is head strong and a great warrior. He does not have Ambrosius’ diplomatic flair. He cares only for battle and women. Uther is crowned High King upon the death of his brother. He wastes no time in causing scandal by openly flirting with the wife of the Duke of Cornwall, a trusted ally. Uther is destined to be the father of Arthur, the legendary King of Britain. Merlin helps him to fulfill his destiny.


Cabal is Merlin’s servant. Ambrosius has him watch over Merlin to keep him safe. Merlin and Cabal become fast friends. Cabal helps Merlin make Galapas’ cave into a welcoming home. He does not like living in the remote area, but he does it for Merlin. Cabal goes with Merlin, Uther and Ulfin to Tintagel for Uther’s rendezvous with Lady Ygraine. He attempts to stop the men coming to tell Ygraine of her husband’s death and loses his life. Merlin is upset by his death. He feels that it is his fault.


Belasius is Merlin’s tutor in Ambrosius’ camp. Merlin learns Belasius is a practicing Druid when he comes upon the private ceremony in the woods. Being curious about all things, Merlin agrees to go to a Druid meeting with him.


Ulfin is the servant of Belasius. He is scared of him because Belasius is a practicing Druid, which is illegal. Upon Belasius death, he becomes a servant for Uther. Ulfin is with Merlin and Uther when Uther goes to meet Ygraine. He guards the bedroom door.

Lady Ygraine

Lady Ygraine is the wife of Gorlois, Duke of Cornwall. She falls in love with Uther. Merlin helps to bring the couple together so that Arthur will be born. Ygraine does not want to disrespect her family or her husband. She wants to be with Uther, but does not want her husband to know or to be harmed.

Gorlois, Duke of Cornwall

Gorlois is the Duke of Cornwall. He is a supporter of Ambrosius, but is seen as a loyal follower of Vortigern. Gorlois sends information to Ambrosius as he prepares for an invasion. He is married to a much younger woman who is admired by Uther. Gorlois does not like Uther’s attention and takes his wife to his home of Tintagel, which is a fortress that no one can penetrate without inside help.He dies in an attack again Uther's army.

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