The Cat in the Hat Comes Back Quotes


"But this did not look
Very clever to me.
Kill snow spots with pop guns?
That just could not be!"


In this passage, the narrator questions the Cat's way of clearing up the mess. The Cat is a chaotic and destructive character and has a bit of a reputation for creating messes. Here, the Cat is attempting to clear up the snow by using a gun, which represents his chaotic nature.

"And I said, will this ever come off! I don't think!"

The boy

After the cat causes a bit of a mess in his home, the boy begins to feel downhearted. He questions whether the stains will come out, and believes that they probably won't. Thankfully, the cat in the hat has a trick up his sleeve.

"I can't do it alone' said the Cat in the Hat."

The Cat in the Hat

After causing a great deal of mess in the boy's home, the cat concludes that he cannot fix it himself, but requires the help of his friends. As such, this book shows how working together is better than working alone, illustrating the key theme of friendship.

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