Physics (10th Edition)

Published by Wiley
ISBN 10: 1118486897
ISBN 13: 978-1-11848-689-4

Chapter 11 - Fluids - Focus On Concepts - Page 307: 1


$\therefore$ All three containers have the same pressure at the bottom.

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P2 = P1 + ρgh In the above relation, the pressure at a given point depends on the vertical distance h. Here P2 = Pressure at depth of h. P1 = Pressure on the surface. A significant feature of the above relation is that the pressure increment ρgh is affected by the vertical distance h, but not by any horizontal distance within the fluid. Since all three containers are filled to the same height (i.e h = same) So, $\rho$gh is the same for all three containers $P_1$ and $P_2$ are the same for all three containers. Therefore, All three containers have the same pressure at the bottom.
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